Ron Baalke
Sat, 26 Jul 2003 21:16:44 -0700 Moving experience nearly fatal By NATHANIEL LUEDEKER Daily Sun (Arizona) July 26, 2003 Steve Schoner contracted acute diseminating encephalitis that almost killed him after moving Clyde Tombaugh's house. Schoner believes he was bite by a spider or tick, or he could have be exposed to mold while working on the astronomer who discovered Pluto's old house. Moving Clyde Tombaugh's house became more than just a moving experience for Steve Schoner. It almost cost him his life. Schoner inherited Tombaugh's old house and moved it last fall from Aspen Avenue in Flagstaff to a vacant lot on Bonito Street next to his house, the better to restore it to a bed and breakfast and a museum. Tombaugh is the late Lowell Observatory astronomer credited with discovering Pluto. Schoner, 52, is an amateur historian and director of a meteorite association. But after the move, Schoner's health troubles started. While working on the old house, he may have suffered a spider or tick bite, or possibly inhaled some toxic mold. Shortly after Christmas, he noticed a bump on his head. Although no side effects from the bump occurred right away, Schoner said he gradually started to suffer from fatigue and depression but thought it was probably due to the amount of time he had spent working on the Tombaugh house. "I figured, 'Well, as soon as the holidays are over I will take a long rest,' " he said. Schoner, his doctors later learned, had contracted acute disseminating encephalitis, causing a rapid swelling of the brain that plunged him into a week-long coma. Afterward, he could not walk, talk or move the right side of his body for weeks. Watching Schoner earlier this week navigate around his Civil War cannon to his meteorite collection and then to his microscope in his home on Bonito, it is hard to believe that just months ago he was comatose. He has a fading 5-inch scar and dent on the top of his head from a brain biopsy but otherwise appears normal. COULDN'T SOLVE PROBLEMS On Saturday, Jan. 6, Schoner felt dizzy with a headache and decided to rest on the couch. By Sunday, Schoner said he could not figure out how to solve problems. Schoner said that he wanted to turn off a plant light that was annoying him but to his "amazement" could not figure out how to turn it off. Also, he said that he could not remember how to change the water in his bird cage and ended up boggling his wife, Diane, by pouring the water on the floor. "I said to myself, 'What is wrong with my brain?' I knew something was wrong big time but by this time there was no pain at all," he said. On Monday, Schoner said his wife came home and found him on the floor unable to move, vomiting a clear fluid, and muttering incomprehensible phrases. Diane took Schoner to Flagstaff Medical Center, where an MRI showed that the left side of his brain was swelling and shutting down the right portion of his brain. Schoner said that after the MRI, he lapsed into a coma for seven days. In the coma, Schoner had many visions, most of which he remembers clearly. Schoner said he saw a light so bright that he wanted to look away. Jesus appeared in the light, he said. "I was looking at him, I was looking at his face and he spoke to me. He said, 'I am sending you back,' and I said, 'Where?'" Schoner said that suddenly he was back in the hospital and had another vision of his brain being worked on. While Schoner was in the coma, doctors took a biopsy of his brain and also conducted a spinal tap. Schoner said that after he came out of the coma he could not speak or move the right side of his body. However, after two days, Schoner said he was able to move his thumb and toe by concentrating on it. "That (moving the thumb) was a demonstration to show that I was not going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life," he said. Schoner said he improved by "leaps and bounds" and shocked the doctors, who told him they had never before seen anyone recover speedily from acute disseminating encephalitis. EXPOSED TO TOXINS Neurosurgeon Dr. Nathan Avery, one of Schoner's doctors, said that encephalitis is a generic term for any brain inflammation. A number of things can cause it, including exposure to toxins. With acute disseminating encephalitis the swelling happens much more quickly, he said. Another doctor who cared for Schoner, Dr. Steven Hoover, said the condition is very rare and the causes are not entirely known. It usually occurs preceding a viral infection, he said. Schoner, although nearly physically normal in appearance, may permanently suffer from diminished mental abilities. He said his problem-solving abilities have been affected and he can no longer drive a car or work at his previous occupation as a computer technician. In addition, Schoner gets fatigued easily and has a limited short-term memory. On a table in the living room, Schoner keeps a black notebook that he occasionally refers to for his daily schedule. Each day, Schoner lists his daily events under a heading of "morning," "afternoon," and "evening." The house that caused Schoner his problems sits with antique chandeliers in some rooms and dirt-covered floors and lumber in others. It is half-finished. Schoner said that he had had plans to rent it out as a sort of bed and breakfast, but now he is not sure what he will do with it because he cannot work on it and the costs and health bills have far exceeded his resources. "I would never move another house in my life," Schoner said ______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]